Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Yesterdays workout

Squats: 5X65
Overhead: 5X40*
Pendlay Rows:5X40*
Chinups:3X5 on setting 11
Extensions: 8X10 (yeah finally adding weight!)
Situps: 3 sets of 10 at 45deg (im doing more than 5 for these sets because im not using weight yet)

I think calories was around 1400.

Tonight I have rollerderby practice :D

Wanted to weigh in this week and see how Im doing, but starting my stupid period put that on hold since I hold a craaaazy amount of water when Im on the damn thing and it would make me think Im fat and I would cry on the scale :`( oh well! Ill have it next week.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Yesterday was pretty swell

Squat: 5X55
Bench: 5X50
Deadlift: 5X60
Dips: Set on 12, whatever the hell that is.

Back Extensions: No weight, 3 sets of 8
Crunches: 3 sets of 5 at 45angle (you really feel a difference with a 10deg increase)

Diet was bleh. 1545cal, but 54%c/20%p/25%f

I needs me more protein.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ugh, I think Im getting sick. Take THAT people working out on machines after me! (just kidding, always wipe them down ;D ) But I still forced myself to the gym, even if I didnt want to go!

Anyways, beginning weakass lifts:

Squat: 5X55
Overhead press: 5X35
Power cleans: 3X40
Chin ups: I dont know, its assisted since my weak girly arms cant hold me up. It was on 11 or something like that.

No weights for crunches at 35degree angle, or back extensions.

Its early (well, 4pm) and calorie intake is looking good. So far 950Cal with about 40%c/34p/24f.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Diet and workouts: A girls best friend!

Workouts will be following this routine:


Ill be going to the gym MWF, beginning with workout A on Monday (today! hooray! but I forgot to write down my beginning lifts. Must remember a note book next time) and alternating from there.
On T/TH I have roller derby at night. I figure 2 hours of skating in a circle at a fast pace should be fine for my cardio exercies for the week, leaving the weekend as rest days. Well, rest for now. Im sure once the snow is gone bike rides will become a regular outing for the weekend.

Calorie Intake: 1600. Yes, its on the lower side. Im aiming around 10Xbodyweight for daily calories. A BMR calculator put my BMR rate at 1521 a day, 1800 to maintain, 1300 to loose one pound a week (hell no). So I figure 1600 should work out fairly well. Im looking to do this in a healthy long term way, not a fast change.

As for diet breakdown, Im aiming for a 40p/40c/30f breakdown (I hope I put those in the right order). Why more carbs than fat? BECAUSE I LOVE BREAD DAMN IT. If you put an entire loaf of freshly baked sourdough bread in front of me, it will take all of my power not to gobble it down. Protien is going to be the hardest part, as we dont usually keep meat in the house. Although I have fell in love with protien shakes for my morning breakfast, but Im going to need more than that to get me where I want for daily intake. Ill be following what I eat on The Daily Plate and posting what I eat here along with my workouts, multiple times a week. Hooray!

Goddamn this is a lot to write.

QoS needs to HTFU

So I've decided Im tired of being that cute chubby chick. Seriously, it only works for so long until you want to be the one that people turns their head to watch as you walk by them and not the one who pulls away from attention to let their more attractive friends get the glory.

SO! Time to HTFU and get my ass turned into a knockout.

Beginning Stats: In Inches

Height: 5'3
Weight: 155

Bust: 38 widest, 35 right under
Natural Waist: 32
Hips: 38 (I got me some baby birthin hips alright)

Upper arm: 12.5
Thigh: 24
Calf: 16


Yeesh. Oh well, hopefully wont stay that way for long.

Anyways, if you're reading this, I only ask one thing and that's to help keep me motivated. Yell at me if I'm not pulling my weight (har har har a pun) or if I miss a day at the gym or diet fucking blows. Im sure you want to see hot bikini pictures as much as I want to be able to post them. None of this "oh you look fine really!" crap. Ive heard that for far too long and it really does put you in a vegetative state, constantly thinking "well, I dont look THAT bad, right". YOU DO DAMNIT.

Another reason why Im determiend to get this done now is that Ive joined a rollerderby leauge. You cant knock over some punk-ass bitches if you cant keep up skating right next to them. Hopefully through exercise I can get to the point where I can kick ass and take names while on skates, and looking damn fine while I do it.

(I wont be happy until the results I get are people going "daaaaamn girl you fine".

Anyways, wish me luck.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Things will happen here. Just you wait and see.